Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday: Limited Time = Awesome Workouts

Hey there guys.  Didja think I forgot about Wednesday?  Well I didn't, I just wanted to write it today, and here's why: because I was dividing up strength workouts into upper and lower body.  Seeing as how you need to work out all parts of your body, I saved one part for each day.  My apologies for sounding a little loopy, but I've been running around for the past week and can barely keep myself awake.  My lack of time combined with me being so tired has lead me to do a maintenance workout plan this week, so it's short and sweet.  Keep in mind that each of these workouts took about 15 minutes to complete.  Who says you don't have time to work out?  So without any further to do:
Wednesday, Upper Body: 3 Rounds

  • 7 Hanging Leg Raises
  • 5 Hanging Knee Raises
  • 30 Pushups
  • 6 Pull Ups
  • 6 Handstand Pushups

Thursday, Lower Body

  • 15 minutes of Squats (doesn't sound hard does it?  Try it).
And now off to bed!  Ciao!

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