Monday, May 28, 2012

Motivational Monday: Honor Those Who Serve

Motivational Mondays are back!  I've been out for a few weeks due to filming (I'll update you with my other blog, for my acting career in a bit), but I'm back and ready to kick some serious butt!
Today is Memorial Day in the United States, where we honor those who have served, are currently serving, or will serve in the armed forces.  Now speaking as someone who has never been in the service, I have nothing but tremendous respect for these people.  They put their lives on the line for little pay to help make the world a better place.  Now some of you may disagree, but look at World War II.  Do you know how many people sacrificed their lives so that we wouldn't live under Nazi rule?  I don't know, but it was a lot.
Many people are against the war we are currently in, myself included.  I don't like war and violence; it doesn't solve much other than get the adrenaline going and maybe a couple of broken appendages.  But I do support those who serve, because of what they do.  God know I couldn't do it.
So to those in the forces, I honor you not just today, but everyday.  You are truly an inspiration for us all to be something more than we are, and to fight and protect those you love.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Motivational Mondays Are Back! So Very Blessed!

Ok, so I know I've been gone for a little while, but I'll do my best to be a bit more consistent next time.  I've just had so much happen to me in the past couple of months that it's been overwhelming me a bit.  More on that later.
You ever have so many wonderful things happen to you that you just can't bear it but tell the world?  That's me right now, and usually all the time.  I am 25 years old, and I have never been happier, in better shape, and better off at tackling the world than I am right now.  And the best part is is that it's only going to go up from here.  I'm so excited to be sharing this world with y'all that I can barely contain myself.  I've learned a lot about myself, both professionally and personally.  Am I pushing myself too hard sometimes?  Perhaps, but that's the only way I'm going to reach the top. 
And really, none of that would be possible without a good support system.  I have wonderful friends, family, and loved ones who have always believed in me, who have always wanted me to be to succeed and be happy.  It is those people (and you know who you are) that have helped me through all my victories and failures, achievements and mistakes, and have helped me to grow.
So to those people, you have no idea how much you have helped me, and this blog entry will hardly do it justice.  All I can offer is my undying humility and gratitude and my promise to keep pushing myself and being happy.
So today, thank someone who has been a big inspiration in your life.  I try to do this every day of my life.  You don't have to do it, but at the very least you could let them know that you love them and appreciate all that they've done for you. 
Namaste, God Bless, and Thank You.
Myself after New England Tough Mudder
Make your own miracles