Monday, July 16, 2012

Motivational Monday: Find the Motivation.

Today for my Motivational Mondays, I'm going to talk about swimming.
I was a competitive swimmer for nine years of my life.  I remember first jumping in the pool at age nine and attempting to swim across the pool as fast as possible.  Swimming sets, when timed by the clock, with nothing but a pair of goggles and a swim suit.  It's poetry to me.  I was partially inspired to get back into the pool by watching the U.S. Olympic trials, which are nothing short of extraordinary.  The USA has an amazing swim program; it's a shame it's not covered in the same way as basketball or football, especially with a little fella named Michael Phelps came on board. 
I was also inspired by an old swimming buddy of mine who, after much coaxing on her part, got me to jump in head first and compete in a triathlon.  No prepartion, no decent equipment: just me and my wits.  I didn't do half badly, but I can do much better.  So I decided to take it upon myself to get back into training.  Not just for stunt work and acting, but for swimming and potentially triathlons. 
It's nice when people push you out of your comfort zone.  The problem where I live is that there are so few people willing to go that extra mile in their workouts (however, if you're out there, please train with me!).  Now thanks to those two big influences, and having this girl check in on me from time to time, I'm getting back in the saddle, and giving competing my first real try since...well, ever.
Let's see what I can do.  Oh and America: the next time we race, you'd better watch out. 

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