Monday, August 6, 2012

Injury: Lessons Learned Part One

So, a few weeks ago during filming for a new web series that I'm hosting, I messed up my shoulder in a stunt known as the "Human Adagio."  Basically I was supposed to keep my arms straight the whole time.
Time for a game boys and girls, entitled "Where Did Jordan F*ck Up."  Can you guess where he messed up (hint: it's where everyone goes "ooooo").
During this time, I have written several things and made a lot of observations on what has happened.  I'll be writing one thing per entry for the next few days or so.
The first thing I have learned: don't stop working out after injury.  After what happened in the video, I stopped working out for about two weeks.  During that time, the injury went from one shoulder to affect both shoulders.  Not only that, but the pain was different on each one.  Again, not a smart idea.  So I decided to train for my triathlon (which is coming up this Saturday) by doing a lot more biking and running, since I am not comfortable on biking or the biking-to-running transition.  Little by little, my body began to heal itself. 
I read somewhere recently that if you get injured, you shoulder continue to work out, because not only will you heal faster, but you will actually become stronger in the affected area.  That seemed to be the case, as about a week after I started biking and running again, I tried my hand at swimming, and ended up swimming about 2 miles in an hour using mostly my arms.
More to come this week.  

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