Thursday, June 21, 2012

Strength Test Project Day 4: Spinning and Revisiting my Weights

Ok, so today was another scorcher, although not as hot as it was yesterday.  I decided to do some very easy swimming (which consisted of teaching a 6-year-old that the deep end of a pool isn't scary).
In addition, I did another spinning class!  I'll admit, I may be starting to enjoy this whole spinning thing.    It was an endurance class, so it was about maintaining an aerobic pace (about 65-75% of your maximum effort).
In addition, I did my upper body bodyweight circuit:

  • Chin Ups: 5 sets: 9/8/9/8/9
  • Incline Pushups with Handles: 25/25/25/25/25
  • Handstand Pushups: 2/2/2/2/2
And I did my workout from Monday.  Since I've done it before, I decided to up the weight on a few of the exercises, but for the most part kept everything the same.  New weights are highlighted and italicized.  I also decided to add shrug rolls in addition to the power shrugs.  This sequence meant that I started with power shrugs; then I did forward shoulder rolls with the weights; then I switched directions.  The goal is to always go through the maximum range of motion:

  • Handstand Pushups and Repetition Jerks (100 pounds): 3 sets of 5; 2 sets of 3
  • Weighted Chin Ups (27.5 pounds) and High Pulls (85 pounds): 3 sets of 5; 2 sets of 3
  • Power Shrug/Shrug Rolls (55 pound dumbbells) and Thrusters (35 pounds): 3 sets of 5
  • Lat Pulldown (120 pounds) and Single Arm Dumbbell Row (60 pounds): 3 sets of 5
  • Deadlift (185 pounds) and Straight Leg Deadlift (115 pounds): 3 sets of 5
  • Split Jump: 2 sets of 30 seconds
  • Gunther Hops: 2 sets of 30 seconds
After another hot day, I deserve a break.  Nighty-night; got to get my rest and recover.

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