Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Physical Perfection Phase 1: Week 2: Cardio and the 100-Up

For today's workout, I found myself doing some cardio.  Nothing too much; about 3 miles in about 26 minutes.  It was mostly to flush all of the crap out of my system, and to prepare for the next three days of Hell that I'm about to put my body through.
However, what I found very interesting was that the running was very therapeutic.  It provided me with time to relax and just be with my thoughts (with music playing).  I found myself focusing more on form than anything else, and decided to start a routine of running that I found a couple of months ago called The 100-Up.  It was a technique developed by W.G. George in the 19th Century that focused on the form of running, and supposedly helped him become the greatest mile runner in his time, even though he worked as a chemist's apprentice for 14 hours a day.  It has claimed to produce better running with less effort, and even help eliminate injuries.  I'm going to try the 100-Up for 30 days (ending on March 1st) and seeing if there is any improvement.
In addition to that, I did some lovely joint integrity work:
Three Headstands, all at about 2 minutes, which gave me a huge rush of energy.
Three sets of short bridges (or hip bridges); 50 for each set.
I also did some neck strengthening work.
And I did my ab work:

3x (Hanging Leg Raise x7, Hanging Knee Raise x5)
2x (Hanging Leg Raise x5)
Plank; Back Plank; Side Plank Right and Left: all 30 seconds
More tomorrow!  I'm doing a lot of filming and working out tomorrow!

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