Thursday, February 9, 2012

Workout Routine, with a Headache!

In the midst of a splitting headache, I'm writing this, and I felt it throughout my workout.  Regardless, I kept up with it; it put the headache at bay.  Here was my workout:

Abdominal Work:
  • 30 second front plank
  • 30 second back plank
  • 30 second side plank left
  • 30 second side plank right
  • 3x(Leg Raise x7, Hanging Knee Raise x5)
  • 2x (Hanging Knee Raise x5)
  • 3x 30 second Ab Wheel Rollout

Main Workout: Cardio, Running
  • 10 minute warm up
  • 5x (1 minute sprint; 1 minute easy jog)
  • 5 minute rest
  • 5x (1 minute sprint; 1 minute easy job)
  • 10 minute cool down

Joint Integrity Work:
  • Headstand x3
  • Short Bridge:55/55/55
  • Neck Strengthening Work

With that being said, I'm off to pass out and deal with my headache.  Night...

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