- Grip Strength
- Lifting Power/Strength
- Muscle Endurance
- Lifting Technique
So he starts us off with power cleans, which is one of the best athletic movement you can possibly do; it works your entire body in one explosive movement, burning major calories and really testing your grit. Admittedly I haven't done these in a very long time, so I need to get my form back. Then doing a workout geared towards endurance particularly in the legs, shoulders and back. The endurance challenge was designed to have me lift heavy weight, so breaks were required (as in, I had to lift heavy enough weights to stop a couple of times)
But me being me, I threw in some extras. Yes, that means I did my ab exercises, but I also threw in some extra chest work, because I like pushups. I threw in some clap pushups, and some swinging planks, which work the whole body. I also had to vary up the heavy bag lifting exercise, seeing as how I didn't have a bag. Let's go.
Explosive Movements:
- Power Cleans: 4 sets of 3: 115/135/145/145
- Clap Pushups: 3 sets of as many as possible without sacrificing form at all: 17/17/18
Endurance Challenge: as fast as possible for time:
- Farmers Walk: 60 seconds: 45 pound dumbbells in each hand
- Hack Squat (barbell behind you on the floor): 30 reps: 125 pounds
- Lumberjack Press: 30: 65 pounds (this one hurt a lot)
- Front Squat (barbell positioned on your shoulders, working your postural muscles): 30: 95 pounds (it's harder than it sounds, trust me).
- TRX Row with feet suspended: 30 (keep in mind I had my entire body suspended)
- Lunge Walk: 30 each leg: 45 pound dumbbells
- Weight Walk: 100 feet x6: 45 pound plate (also held out shoulders to put more stress on them)
- Swinging Plank (start in a Yoga Child's Pose but with your legs out to the side; slide out into a low pushup position; switch sides): 30
Time: 23:21
Ooof. This one was tough. My weakness seems to be odd lifts (i.e. the front and hack squats). The lumberjack press also threw me for a loop. Because I've never done about half of these lifts, I'm not too concerned. I'll just get faster :)
Until tomorrow, where I will try to get something in, but with filming all day, that will be doubtful.
And for my own inspiration, here's a photo of Bruce Lee, because he brought the term "Superhero" to real life. Now to finish watching the UNC/Ohio U. game. Cheers!
So freaking badass.
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