Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16th, 2012: Bodyweight!

Because it's a maintenance week (if you didn't get the memo, click here to read it), I did simply bodyweight training.  Here was today's workout:
2 sets of:
30 Pushups
60 Squats
25 Short Bridges
8 Close Grip Pull Ups
8 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Partial Handstand Pushups
I also did this lovely circuit 5 times through:
10-13 Hip Pushups (same as a regular pushup except for a few key differences; you are on your fists and they are near your hips, thus increasing the work load your upper body has to take; significant pausing so I would fatigue between 10-13 reps
3-5 Handstand Pushups; again, I used significant pausing to help me fatigue myself
4 Close Grip Pull Ups
4 Wide Grip Pull Ups
Ah, now wasn't that easy?
Well, I'm gonna be turning in in a bit, seeing as how I've been studying for my new certification course.
Freaking Awesome!

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