Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday, March 18th, 2012: Burpee Run

Because I wanted to enjoy some of the sunshine today, I did a lovely workout that I call burpee runs.  Basically what it means it that I run for 5 minutes on a track running at a good pace (about 70% of my maximum speed), then 1 minute of burps. Sound easy?  Try doing it 5 times through, with no rest.  It was a good time.  Also painful.  But fun.
Tomorrow begins my superhero workout.  To start getting into the mindset, I bought myself Infamous 2, the sequel to one of the best games I have ever played.  And yes, it's a superhero game.  You get powers, get to jump across buildings.  Now that I'm in the superhero mindset, I'm ready to begin tomorrow.
Bring it.
I'm also going to fall asleep with 300 playing in the background, to get me into that "breaking bad guys" mindset.
Want to get into the mindset of being a superhero?  This game will help.

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