Monday, March 12, 2012

Motivational Monday and Workout: Enjoy the Weather

For this week's M&M, I gotta start off by saying; anyone else thrown off by Daylight Savings Time?  It threw me off something fierce today with work.
But...It was unusually nice up here in Vermont, and warm too (the thermometer hit 68 today).  This time of year there's still plenty of snow on the ground, along with 20s-30s kind of weather.  Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised by this turn of Mother Nature.  I think she's being a little nicer after she dumped on us last year with the winter from Hell and that whole Tropical Storm thing (thanks Mother N, I forgive you, even though you need to have a pissy fit on occasion).
So today, I threw off the shirt and put on the shoes and went for a run.  Ran for about 45 minutes with the sun beating down on my bare chest, observing nature.  I gotta tell ya, it felt real good.  You need to learn how to appreciate nature, and get out there and smell the roses, whether literally or metaphorically.  Go out for a walk or a hike, and just enjoy nature.  And it also doesn't hurt to get a bit of color on your skin; I'm getting a little sick of being so white I reflect the sun.
Tomorrow, I'm hitting the weights again, hard.

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