Monday, March 26, 2012

Motivational Monday: Relaxation

Well, after a weekend of filming, rehearsals, lots of walking and being in 40 degree weather with my shirt off, I am finally able to relax.  And that's part of the game; learning to relax.
In the world of gaining muscle, it's not how much you lift that matters so much as how much rest you give your muscles.  That's because they need to be torn down and rebuilt stronger and more durable, more able to handle heavy loads.  The same thing can be said for when you break a bone; your body creates more calcium for that bone so that it's less likely to break. 
We all need time to relax.  Which is why I'm so glad I get to go to California (San Francisco to be specific) to celebrate a birthday and see friends.  I will still hit the weights and pavement of course, but to have that lack of stress for a few days will keep me energized and ready for what's around the corner.  Big things in store, so stay tuned.

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