Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A New Blog, a New Workout: A White Lie Workout, Phase 1

Hey there everybody!  Well apparently I had to create a new blog, so here it is!  This will be my workout blog from here on out (I'll be creating an acting blog soon!).  This blog is from yesterday (Monday, January 9th).  
Here's the skinny: I am currently working on a movie called A White Lie, which takes place in the bodybuilding and fitness world, and focuses on an aspiring bodybuildier, Garrett, who must make peace with his gay twin brother while dealing with a stalker.  He also finds love in a girl named Helen.  It's a pretty wild ride.
My character is Andrew, who is both trained by Garrett as a bodybuilder, and by Helen, who runs a dance studio.  Thus, my character is a blend of both the bodybuilding and dance world; two places that value physical perfection.
How do I do this?  By kicking my own ass.  By the beginning of March, my director, Curtis James Salt, wants me to gain about 10-15 pounds of muscles, with most of that being in my upper body (arms and chest in particular).  In addition, I will most likely have to be doing lifts and I may have a shirtless scene or two, so I have to get well-defined.
Challenge?  You bet.
I say bring it on.
But first, let's check out some stats.  The goal is to gain about 10-15 pounds of muscle by the second week of March of this year, and to try and cut down to (minimally) 5% body fat.  These stats are to check my progress.  I am also taking stats based off of what I know for bodybuilding, so symmetry is also key.  Let's check them out:

Height - 6'2
Weight – 166 pounds 
Body Fat Percentage: 6.5%
Neck: 16 inches 
Shoulders: 47.5 inches
Chest: 40.5 inches
Waist above navel: 31.25 inches
Waist at navel: 32 inches
Waist at widest hip: 39.25 inches
Right Leg at Widest Point: 23 inches
Left Leg at Widest Point: 23 inches
Right Calf at Widest Point: 15.5 inches
Left Calf at Widest Point: 15.5 inches
Right Bicep Unflexed: 13 inches
Right Bicep Flexed: 15 inches
Left Bicep Unflexed: 13 inches
Left Bicep Flexed: 15 inches

Right Forearm at Widest Point: 12.5 inches
Left Forearm at Widest Point: 12.75 inches
Overall, not bad.  Now since I have to build my upper body, I'm doing a variation of a workout I did a few months back, called the Functional Fight Club Workout.  However, this workout is geared towards gaining functional weight, so I had to up the weight and lower the reps to gain the size needed.  Here's the result.  There are four circuits, each working on a specific part of the upper body: chest; triceps; back and biceps; shoulders.  Each of these circuits are done 3 times through, with little to no rest.  After each circuit is completed, you jump rope for 1 minute, followed by about a minute rest, to transition and set everything else up.  Let's check it out on paper!
A White Lie Workout: Phase 1: Upper Body and Core
Circuit 1: Chest: 3 times through, no rest
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3x6: 50 pound dumbbells
  • Pushup: 3xAMAP: 15/15/15
  • Bent Arm Dumbbell Pullover: 3x6: 40 pounds
  • Cable Flys: 3x6: 50 pounds/55 pounds x2
Rest: Jump rope for 1 minute
Circuit 2: Triceps: 3 times through, no rest
  • Dips: 3x AMAP: 11/11/9
  • Triceps Rope Extension with Flare: 3x6: 80 pounds/85 pounds/85 pounds
  • TRX Triceps Extension: 3x6
Rest: Jump rope for 1 minute
Circuit 3: Back/Biceps: 3 times through, no rest
  • Pull Ups: 3x AMAP: 6/5/5
  • V-Handle Pulldown: 3x6: 100 pounds/105 pounds/105 pounds
  • TRX Row: 3x6
  • Dumbbell Clean and Press: 3x6/side: 35 pound dumbbell
Rest: Jump rope 1 minute
Circuit 4: Shoulders: 3 times through, no rest
  • TRX Inverted Press: 3x6/side
  • Thrusters: 3x6: 35 pound dumbbells
  • Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch: 3x6/side: 40 pound dumbbell
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3x6: 12 pound dumbbells
Rest: Jump rope for 1 minute
Overall, I'm pretty pleased.  In the coming weeks, I'll start posting photos of these exercises.  For now, check out a photo of me showing off my physique and check out the link below for our website, as well as our fundraising campaign for indiegogo!
You know you wanna fund this ;)

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