Monday, January 23, 2012

Physical Perfection Phase 1: All In

A new week, and a new workout plan.  I'm so excited for this routine, because I believe it's going to give me the right balance of functional strength and flexibility, but also give me a good amount of size and sexy muscles.
First off, here are my stats today, to give you an idea of where I'm starting off at:

  • Height : 6'2
  • Weight: 166.5 pounds 
  • Body Fat Percentage: 6%
  • Neck: 16 inches 
  • Shoulders: 47.75 inches 
  • Chest: 40.5 inches
  • Waist above navel: 31 inches 
  • Waist at navel: 31.75 inches 
  • Waist at widest hip: 39.25 inches
  • Right Leg at Widest Point: 23 inches
  • Left Leg at Widest Point: 23 inches
  • Right Calf at Widest Point: 15.5 inches
  • Left Calf at Widest Point: 15.5 inches
  • Right Bicep Unflexed: 13 inches
  • Right Bicep Flexed: 15 inches
  • Left Bicep Unflexed: 13 inches
  • Left Bicep Flexed: 15 inches
  • Right Forearm at Widest Point: 12.5 inches
  • Left Forearm at Widest Point: 12.5 inches
Ok, got all that? I'm gonna be monitoring these stats for the next six weeks, so that I can see if this is actually going to work!
Here's how the week is broken down:

  • 6 days of working out, one day of rest/possible easy cardio or yoga
  • 4 days of strength training (Mon/Tues/Thur/Fri)
  • 2 days of cardio (Wed/Sat)
  • Mondays are Power Days, i.e. low weight, low rep exercises with a lot of rest
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays are circuit training days, with a combination of weight training and bodyweight exercises.
  • Fridays are working on anything I feel like I need work on, such as shoulders, arms, and calves.   
That being said, here was my day one, or what I call my "All In" routine: a very simple 5x5 routine.  For those of you who don't know, it's 5 exercises.  Each exercise is done 5 times, with 5 repetitions.  The rests were relatively long (about 2-3 minutes), but each time I worked on an exercise, I gave it 117% of my effort.
Here it is:

  • Bench Press: 5 sets of 5 reps: 165 pounds all
  • Deadlift: 5 sets of 5 reps: 195 pounds all
  • Pull Up: 5 sets of As Many As Possible: 8 all (last one I barely managed 8)
  • Squat: 5 sets of 5: 175 pounds all
  • Power Clean: 5 sets of 5 reps: 95 pounds all
In addition, I did some abdominal work, as well as some range of motion work to help strengthen my joints due to the severity of this routine.

  • 3x (Hanging Leg Raises x7, Hanging Knee Raises x5)
  • Plank(all rest was 30 seconds): 30 seconds; Back Plank: 30 seconds: Side Plank Right and Left: 30 seconds each; Leg Raise Plank: 30 seconds; Leg Raise Back Plank: 30 seconds; Leg Raise Side Plank Right and Left: 30 seconds each.
Joint integrity/bodyweight work: 

  • Vertical Pulls: 3 sets of 50
  • Shoulderstand Squat: 3 sets of 50
  • Various Grip Work
I will be posting photos next week, but for now, check out my looks this morning, as well as the video of my ab routine.  
I promise I'll wear more clothing next time!
I have a six-pack...kinda...

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