Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Physical Perfection Phase 1: High Intensity: But Short

Ok guys, a quickie workout today, but a nasty one nonetheless.

  • A 20 minute workout.
  • 4 moves, 2 reps of each, done for a minute.
  • Start again when the minute starts again.
  • Repeat until you've done 20 reps.

Here we go:

  • 2 Quad Hops to Flat Foot Squat
  • Knee Drop Spinal Rocks to Butterfly
  • Swinging Tripods (right/left)
  • Swinging Planks (right/left)

Also I did some joint integrity work:

  • Wall Pushups: 30/33/35
  • Knee Tucks: 35/35/42
  • Calf Work

And ab work:

  • Plank(all rest was 30 seconds): 30 seconds; Back Plank: 30 seconds: Side Plank Right and Left: 30 seconds each; Leg Raise Plank: 30 seconds; Leg Raise Back Plank: 30 seconds; Leg Raise Side Plank Right and Left: 30 seconds each.
Now for tomorrow: cardio work!

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