Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday: Legs and Cardio

Here's today's workout!

Same rules apply: the circuits are done 3 times through, no rest, followed by a minute of jump rope.
Circuit 1:
Deadlift: 12/8/5: 145 pounds/155 pound/175 pounds
28" Box Jump: 12
Touch and Go Lunge: 12/side: 65 pounds/65 pounds/65 pounds
Jump rope: 1 minute
Circuit 2:
Squat: 12/8/5: 135 pounds/155 pounds/175 pounds
Spinning Plyo Jumps: 12
Frog Jump: 12 (6 forward, 6 back)
Jump Rope: 1 minute
TRX Hamstring Curl: 12/8/5
TRX Single Leg Squat: 12/8/5/side
Calf Raise: 12/8/5: 90 pounds/115 pounds/130 pounds
Followed by: 25 minutes on the treadmill
Today was a very hard day to workout...hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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